Day: October 27, 2017


Five natural breast enhancement methodsFive natural breast enhancement methods

Most women know that having bigger and firmer breasts will boost their self-confidence and make them much more satisfied with their body. However, they are reluctant to consider breast enhancement methods like surgery or lethal injections. Luckily, many breast enhancement methods can help you achieve your dream breasts without leaving the comfort of your home. You will not shift your cup from A to double D in the blink of an eye, but these methods will help you to realize a significant difference over time.

Breast massage

If you have tiny or medium sized breasts, then you can consider improving their shape and firmness through breast massage. It works wonders just like the body massage. It helps breasts to grow, facilitate tone and makes them firm as well as flexible. The massaging encourages the growth of breasts and the areas surrounding them. Apart from changing the size and appearance of your breasts, breast massage also prevents breast cancer, promotes lymphatic drainage just to mention a few.


A considerable fraction of women who wish to enlarge their breasts to enhance their fullness and attractiveness use special herb creams to grow them. The herbs will help you to get rid of saggy boobs or shapeless nipples. One of the most famous herbs in the breast enhancement circles is saw-palmetto. Besides, fennel seed, wild yam, dandelion, fenugreek, and soy also promote breast enlargement. Most of these herbs are available in the form of pills which makes their absorption a breeze.


Breast enhancement creams can be used in combination with other breast enhancement methods like pills to increase the size and hardness of the breasts significantly. Breast enhancement cream manufacturers claim that they work shaping up the breasts and enhancing the tone and texture of the surrounding areas. They contain natural ingredients like ascorbic acid, avocado, chamomile, lavender and the likes. The creams have no side effects and can take up to three months to produce satisfactorily.


If you improve your diet, then you increase your chances of having larger breasts. The breast is composed mostly of fat, and healthy eating will without any doubt improve the quality of the tissue as well as the surrounding skin. Research shows that foods that are packed with vitamin C, A and E promote breast health. Apart from having a healthy diet, drinking lots of water will help flush toxins from your body and improve the condition of your breast tissue.


pillsMany women claim that swallowing some pills makes their breasts increase in size. The good news about considering pills is that your breasts can go back to their original size after you stop taking the pills. The tablets work by stimulating the production of estrogen receptors in the breasts and finally enlarging them. Makers of these medicines claim that they boost estrogen production just like when a woman is pregnant. Therefore, the breasts will increase in size and not produce milk like when pregnant. Not all pills are created equally, and so you should stay away from those will harmful ingredients like the plague.